Sgn O Calastri
"Signor O. Calastri"

by Herbert Colborne Oakley

Circa 1920 - 1929

Private Collection

Further Information

The Sitter
- was a sculptor from Florence in Italy.

Other Information
- In 1925, he made a bronze bust of the artist.

bust being made

"Sometimes the biter is bit; sometimes the artist who paints his sitters must himself sit.  And this is the case with me just now.  I am being done in clay, and then, cast in bronze by a well-known Italian sculptor during my enforced leisure.  I do my poor best - my appalling best - in Italian what time Signor Calastri’s clever fingers are making me realize my physical shortcomings as revealed in clay."

"The H. C. Oakley Virtual Gallery" Copyright © 2005 Andrew Gray