Further Information

The following is a report in the local newspaper regarding the painting:

"Mr. H. C. Oakley, the well-known Southampton artist, has kindly loaned two of his own oil paintings to the Art Gallery at the Southampton Central Library.
Both pictures - they are quite recent productions of Mr. Oakley's brush - are charming.
One which bears the title of "The Will o' the Wisp", is a study of desolate marsh land beneath a cloud-laden and ominous sky.
The other painting is "A symphony of the Sea - Sunset at Redcar, Yorkshire".
This is a complete contrast to its companion picture.  It is, moreover, an achievement of a high order.
Mr. Oakley has been successful in capturing the colour harmonies of a wonderful hour.  But he has done much more than this.
In glowing sky, sculptured cloud, translucent sands, and even in the two small nude human figures who approach the breakers, there is a balance of form and colour, a combination of vitality and restraint, that in their unmistakeable suggestion of the Greek spirit are as delightful as they are unusual.  This painting will attract considerable attention."

"The H. C. Oakley Virtual Gallery" Copyright © 2005 Andrew Gray